
98 Trees on the Arboretum Trail
In the fall of 2017, Bartlett Tree Experts conducted an inventory of trees on the City of Aiken Arboretum Trail. Along the trail we identified 99 trees, including 1 grouping, which included 90 species. The attributes that we collected include tree latitude and longitude, size, age and condition class, and a visual assessment of tree structure, health, and vigor.
Understanding an urban forest’ s structure, function and value can promote management decisions that will improve human health and environmental quality. An assessment of the vegetation structure, function, and value of the Aiken, SC Arboretum Trail urban forest was conducted during 2018. Data from 98 trees located throughout Aiken, SC Arboretum Trail were analyzed using the i-Tree Eco model developed by the U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Number of trees: 98
Tree cover: 1.551 acres
Most common species of trees: Hardwood, Southern magnolia, Longleaf pine
Percentage of trees less than 6″ (15.2 cm) diameter: 15.3 %
Pollution removal: 74.42 pounds/ year ($231/ year)
Carbon storage: 82.99 tons ($10.8 thousand)
Carbon sequestration: 1.27 tons/ year ($165/ year)
Oxygen production: 3.387 tons/ year
Avoided runoff: 3519 cubic feet/ year ($235/ year)
Building energy savings: n/ a – data not collected
Avoided carbon emissions: n/ a – data not collected
Structural values: $ 247 thousand
Ton: short ton (U.S.) ( 2,000 lbs)
Monetary values $ are reported in US Dollars throughout the report except where noted
The urban forest of Aiken, SC Arboretum Trail has 98 trees with a tree cover of 1.551 acres. The three most common species are Hardwood ( 11.2 percent), Southern magnolia ( 3.1 percent), and Longleaf pine (2.0 percent).
Individual management recommendations are summarized in the management plans for the Parkways, Parcels, and Rights- of-way.
The designated Arboretum Trail along Colleton Avenue in downtown Aiken is a roughly one mile long sampling of the City of Aiken’ s one- of-a-kind citywide Arboretum. The collection includes 11 different species of oak as well as both exotic and old-time Southern favorite trees alike. Visitors to downtown Aiken, SC can take in the amazing collection via self-guided tour. You can pick up an informational brochure at the Aiken County Public Library located at 314
Chesterfield St. or simply jump on the trail anywhere and call the phone number listed on each plaque and enter the specific number for each tree to hear detailed information.
More information is available at and on the City of Aiken’ s dedicated Arboretum Trail tour webpage at
Please note that the included maps begin with an overview of the area of interest – the entire breadth of the dedicated Aiken Arboretum Trail – as well as five inset maps breaking up the trail in several block sections. The five inset maps symbolize the trees by age class. The labels used are the Aiken Arboretum Trail numbers corresponding to the tour list not the Tree ID numbers assigned in Bartlett’ s landscape management software, ArborScope™.
Please note also that only trees that were still present and on City of Aiken property are summarized in this document.
Estimated Tree Asset Value
As part of the Bartlett inventory process, we have included an Estimated Tree Asset Value for each tree and a cumulative total for all trees inventoried. We use an average per square inch nursery price, size ( DBH), species factor, condition factor, and location factor to estimate the tree asset value. This is not intended to replace a tree appraisal.
The following data fields are used in this formula:
Estimated Tree Asset Value = ( Average Per Square Inch Nursery Price* Size)* Species
Factor* Condition Factor* Location Factor
The cumulative Estimated Tree Asset Value for all trees inventoried along the City of Aiken Arboretum Trail is $ 752,104.63.
The following table lists the ten trees with the highest Estimated Tree Asset Values:
5198 Oak- Laurel Quercus hemisphaerica 49 $ 45,517.73 42
23010 Oak- Willow Quercus phellos 36 $ 37,785.02 51
5286 Dragon Tree Paulownia fortunei 42 $ 37,330.75 87
3145 Oak – Shumard Quercus shumardii 40 $ 36,468.73 70
5197 Oak-Water Quercus nigra 39 $ 32,697.08 41
5038 Oak-Post Quercus stellata 42 $ 26,398.38 18
5220 Pecan Carya illinoinensis 30 $ 24,209.22 43
5057 Oak- Sand Post Quercus margarettae 36 $ 20,894.20 20
5285 Sapphire Dragon Tree Paulownia kawakamii 29 $ 20,765.47 86
5288 Royal Paulownia Princess Tree Paulownia tomentosa 38 $ 19,475.68 59